Orthopaedic Surgery Referral
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When your pet needs orthopaedic surgery, trust the expertise of, Dr Adam Jeffrey, a skilled and compassionate surgeon dedicated to your pet’s skeletal health. With years of experience and a proven track record, Dr. Jeffrey is committed to restoring your furry friend’s mobility, helping them move with joy once again.

Dr. Jeffrey became a Member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Surgeons in Small Animal Surgery in 2014. Since then, he has served as a respected orthopaedic and soft tissue surgeon across the Gold Coast, treating over 1,000 patients with exceptional care and precision.

Contact us today for a comprehensive quote and take the first step toward your pet’s recovery.

Veterinary Referral

Referring veterinarians have the opportunity to refer cases for orthopaedic procedures to our esteemed surgeon. Reach out to us today to delve into your current case and explore the available surgical options. Call our surgeon to discuss or schedule a consultation now to embark on the journey of restoring this furry companion’s mobility, ensuring wagging tails and joyful hearts. Our surgeon surpasses expectations with a track record of outstanding outcomes and success, offering the best care for your beloved furbaby.

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Secure your patient’s surgery with Dr Adam Jeffrey at Coastal Veterinary Hospital. Adam offers unwavering commitment to excellence and service, transforming patient’s outcome


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Coastal Veterinary Hospital

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